Hi, I’m Trudi and thanks for visiting my website…it possibly means that you are interested in getting fit, staying fit or getting fitter!
Now in my 60’s, I am aware that keeping fit and healthy is so important for a happy, long and active life. Running was my big passion but now I know that high impact programmes just are not good on joints, bones and muscles as we get older. I moved onto cycling which along with walking, swimming and water based exercise is so much kinder to the joints. For some years now I have been cycling off and on road and recently completed a couple of endurance trips one of 1000 miles and one of 2000 miles. You really do not have to do anything this crazy.. …in fact older adults who attend regular exercise programmes should be proud of themselves as they are definately helping to extend their lives.
I’m sure you, like me, appreciate the importance of exercise but protecting our bodies at the same time is obviously of paramount importance – this idea led me naturally to Aqua Fit. Water based exercise is perfect not only for older adults, ante/post natal ladies, those with joint, bone or muscular issues but also for fitees. For me it came as a no-brainer, I love exercising but I am now intent on protecting my joints, bones and muscles against the damage caused by impact fitness. I am now an Aqua instructor and run Aqua Fit classes helping us all to USE IT NOT LOSE IT.
Aqua Instructor (level 2)
Personal Trainer (level 3)
Gym Instructor
Industry certificates in Nutrition, Pad Work, HIT Training, Suspension and Fitness Testing
Our team at Aqua Fit includes Debbie, Nataly, Jill and myself all with different styles of teaching giving a variety of classes.
CALL TRUDI on 07802 612020